Ordnance Factory Exam Date 2014 Vacancy for Civilian Motor Driver and Multi Tasking Staffs
The Ordnance Factory Pune has invited applications for the recruitment in the post of Civilian Motor Drivers and Multi Tasking Staffs respectively. The candidates who have applied for the concerned recruitment will be required to appear in the written exam and skill tests respectively for the selection. The candidates preparing for the concerned recruitment exam can go through the details of the examination including paper pattern and syllabus respectively.
Click here for latest Sarkari Naukri Details
Scheme of Examination:
1. for Civilian Motor Drivers
There will be an objective type multiple choice questions divided into the following three parts namely:
I Part: General Intelligence (40 Questions) 40 Marks
II Part: General English (10 Questions) 10 Marks
III Part: General Driving Awareness (50 Questions) 50 Marks
The paper will contain questions in the following languages: English, Hindi, Major Regional Languages respectively
Duration of Exam: 2 hours
Syllabus of Exam:
The candidates will be required to prepare as per the syllabus of Matriculation/ Class 10th on the subject topics as specified for this purpose
2. For Multi Tasking Staff:
There will be an objective type test having multiple choice questions on the following main topics:
Part A: General Intelligence & Reasoning (25 Questions) 25 Marks
Part B: Numerical Aptitude (25 Questions) 25 Marks
Part C: General English (50 Questions) 50 Marks
Part D: General Awareness (50 Questions) 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 2 hours
The candidates will be penalized in the form of deduction of 0.25 marks for each wrong attempt made by them.
Syllabus of exam:
General Intelligence: Similarities and Differences; Problem Solving; Decision- Making; Arithmetic Computation; Relationship Concepts; Discriminating Observations; Non Verbal Series etc
English Language: Basics of English language; Sentence Structure; Synonyms; Vocabulary; Antonyms and Grammar based questions
Numerical Language: Number Systems; Ratio & Proportion; Tables & Graphs; Averages; Percentages; Discount; Ratio and Time; Time and Work; Profit and Loss; Decimals and Fractions
General Awareness: Culture; Indian Geography; General Polity and Indian Constitution respectively
Date of Exam: Yet to be announced by Ordnance Factory Pune
For more details on the Ordnance Factory Pune Recruitment Exam 2014, click here
Ordnance Factory Exam Date 2014 Notification & Recruitment Details
The IOF (Indian Ordnance Factory) announces the recruitment of the Labors (Semi Skilled) every year through written and trade tests respectively. The applications are invited through online modes from the website of the Indian Ordnance Factory i.e. oftdr.com. The candidates who are interested to apply in the concerned job post may read the details of the recruitment from the job summary as given below.
Ordnance Factory Recruitment Exam Details:
The Indian Ordnance Factory conducts the recruitment exam for the post of labor through written test and trade tests respectively. The applicants should keep visiting the website of the IOF for accessing the official notification of the concerned recruitment released usually in the month of July /August every year. The exam is conducted in two phases- the first phase includes the written test of 100 marks and the second phase consists of Trade Test (practical). Find the details of the exam from below.
Pattern of Ordnance Factory Recruitment Exam Pattern:
Phase I: Written Exam
Objective type and multiple choice based questions are asked from the following main topics:
Numerical Aptitude (X Standard) -40 questions (40 marks)
General Science (X Standard) -30 questions (30 marks)
General Awareness (X Standard) -30 questions (30 marks)
Duration of exam: 2 Hours
Phase II: Trade Test
The Trade Test is based on the trade for which the recruitment has been announced. For a semi skilled workman, the trade consists of the following – cleaning of floor, handling/shifting of materials, cleaning of machines etc.
The candidates will be judged on the basis of their performance in both the tests for qualifying in the concerned recruitment exam.
Eligibility for Exam:
High School /Class 10th passed and lying in the age group of 18-32 years
Click here for more 10th/12th Job Details
Application Procedure:
The candidates should apply online within 15 days from the date of the publishing of the official advertisement. The candidates should be holding all the necessary eligibility conditions as required for the post so that they are considered for the concerned recruitment of the post.
The eligible candidates should apply online from the website of the IOF i.e. oftdr.com. The fee for application is Rs. 50 only.
Date of Exam: March 2014
Date of Application: Second week of February 2014
For more details on the IOF Recruitment, Click here