MP DMAT Application Form

MP DMAT Application Form 2013

MP DMAT Counseling

Dental and medical admission test MP DMAT are such form of medical test which is taken by the APDMC of the state Madhya Pradesh. This course usually taken in order to apply for the post of bachelors degree that is in M_B_B_S and B_D_S. But here the noticeable fact is within the total number of seats fifty percent is reserved for the privet dental come medical colleges in this state. Every year large number of candidates apply in order to get entered into the course but a limited amount of people usually gets this chance. Coming 2013 this APDMC will take lots of candidates of several categories. Take a look at it.

MP DMAT Admit Card

Advertised Courses:

1. MD or MS
2. MDS

Important dates to reckon for:

Date of exam:
Advertisement date: 18th of October 2012.
Last date of receiving the application form: 1 st January 2013
Examination date: 6th of January 2013 (Sunday) (Time: nine o clock in morning to twelve o clock in morning)
Examination City: Indore
Result date: 12th of January 2013

MP DMAT Exam Pattern

Academic Requirement:
1. The candidates must pass the MBBS or equivalent courses from any of the govt registered medical colleges or dental colleges in India.
2. Candidate must registered with MC of India or DC of India of any state.

How can you apply: Candidates who are interested to apply this positions will have to apply for this from online through the official website of APIMC ( . All the instructions about how to fill up the application form and how to apply are given on the information brochure of MP DMAT 2013. In this respect candidates also needs to filed a 2500 rs DD and must have to send it with attach documents to the address. Candidates need to keep in mind that even a trivial lapse in the filled application form can lead to the rejection of the form. But keep this in mind don’t ever do any types of mistake while filling up the form. Unless this will be rejected.

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