KIITEE Management Exam Pattern

KIITEE Exam Pattern 2014 Details of Marking Scheme & Examination Pattern

The KIITEE (KIIT Entrance Exam) is conducted by the KIIT University to short list the eligible applicants in the different management courses as made available under the KIIT School of Rural Management (KSRM) Bhubaneswar, a constituent of the KIIT University. The university offers admissions in the following two main courses in management- MBA & MBA (Rural Management) respectively. The entrance exam is conducted by the university every year in the months of January/ December respectively.

Given below are the complete details of the paper pattern including the selection criteria and marking scheme etc for all the applicants to go through.

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Name of Exam: KIIT Entrance Exam (KIITEE)

Conducting Authority: KIIT University

Courses of Admissions: MBA (Agribusiness Management); MBA (Rural Management); MBA

Eligibility for Exam:

The applicants should get a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate or an equivalent CGPA in the qualifying exam i.e. graduation in any discipline preferably agriculture from a university/ college recognized by the AIU (Association of Indian Universities) for being eligible in the concerned entrance exam.

 KIITEE Management Entrance Exam Scheme-

The KIIT Entrance Exam shall be having objective type multiple choice questions on the following five sections:

Section I: Quantitative Ability (40 Questions)

Section II: Analytical Reasoning (40 Questions)

Section III: English (30 Questions)

Section IV: GK (General Knowledge) 20 Questions and

Section V: Issues of Social Concern (20 Questions)

Total Number of Questions: 150

Marking Scheme:

The candidates shall be given three marks for each correct answer attempted by them while there will be a deduction of one marks for the incorrect answers attempted by them and zero marks shall be given for the unattempted questions by them respectively. The questions having multiple answers marked by the candidates shall be treated as incorrect and minus marking will be done on the same. The candidates are advised to mark the questions properly in the exam.

Click here for KIITEE Application form Details

Short Listing Criteria:

The candidates qualifying in the written exam shall be called for the next round of selections which includes the following: GD/ PI scheduled to be held on the university faculty as decided for this purpose.

To get more details on the KIITEE Exam Pattern 2014, click here

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