Indian Airforce Exam Pattern

Indian Air Force Exam Pattern 2014 Details of Eligibility and Qualifying Criteria

The Indian Air Force (IAF) conducts the recruitment exam for the different positions in the Technical Branch as well as Flying Branches for all the candidates eligible and interested to apply in it. The entrance exam conducted for the recruitment in the Indian Air Force is commonly known by the name, AFCAT or Air Force Common Admission Test. Lots of candidates every year participate in the concerned entrance exam.

Given below are the details of paper pattern and eligibility for all the interested candidates to go through.

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Name of Exam:Air Force Common Admission Test

Conducting Authority: Indian Air Force


For Flying Branch: The applicants should be at least graduation passed with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate as well as in the following subjects: Mathematics and Physics from any recognized university/ institute for this purpose. The minimum and the maximum qualifying age should be 19 and 23 years respectively.

For Technical Branch: The applicants should be Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) and should have cleared the Sections A and B of the Associate Member of Institutions of Engineers (India) or ASI (Aeronautical Society of India) or anything equivalent thereto for being eligible under this post. The minimum and the maximum qualifying age of all the applicants should be 18 and 28 years respectively.

Exam Pattern:

The Air Force Common Admission Test shall consist of the following exams to be held in the mentioned two stages:

Stage I: This stage of exam consists of a screening test that will be held on the first day of the examination basically an intelligence test. The candidates should qualify in the screening test to appear in the subsequent tests that will be held for the final selections.

Stage II: This stage consists of the following main tests- Psychological Test, Group Tests and Interview respectively.

Pilot Aptitude Test (For Flying Branch applicants only)

Click here for Indian Air Force Application Form details

Paper Pattern:

The question paper shall consist of objective type multiple choice based questions on the following main sections:

Section I: General Awareness

Section II: Verbal Ability (English)

Section III: Numerical Ability

Section IV: Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test respectively

Total Number of Questions: 100

Total Marks Allotted: 300

Total Time Allotted: 2 Hours

The candidates shall be penalized in the form of 1 mark being deducted for every wrong attempts made by them.

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