CIET Admission Form

CIET Admission Form 2014- 15

CIET (Central Institute of Educational Technology), NCERT proclaimed its 2nd Online Course on “Action Research in Educational Technology”. The first course was successfully completed during the last academic year. This 2-Credit online course is specially developed for the teacher educators at elementary level working in District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs), State Councils of Educational Research and Training (SCERTs)/State Institutes of Education (SIEs).

View more for CIET Application form Details

Description of Course:

To provide the knowledge and skills to integrate Action Research as a teaching and problem solving methodology is the purpose of this course.

The course will be educated by utilizing the Action Research process attributes:

A process of Action Research

Data recording and interpretation

Problem definition/identification, the research questions


Collection of data


After presenting the elements of Action Research and also introducing field of Educational Technology, the participants will employ the process to answer prescribed questions, and discover solutions to classroom related problems. The participants are required to prepare a plan of Action Research on the real problem in the field of Educational Technology.

The Applicants will be capable of:

Prepare Report

Establish a conceptual framework for Action Research

Understand basic concepts of Action Research

Differentiate between “formal” research and Action Research

Understand conceptual framework for Educational Technology as a field of study

Design action research projects in the field of educational technology

Organize data for verification

Select assumptions that can be verified by action research

Analyze and interpret data

Course Materials:

There are 5 modules specially developed for the course. In addition, online readings and Web site reviews (including journal articles and online books) will be assigned during the course to enhance learning. Participants are expected to read the part recommended for that module.


Preferably those teacher educators who are working in the field of Educational Technology and have some background of research and Persons who possess working knowledge of computers and internet can apply.

Click here for CIET Cutoff Marks Details

Criteria for Admission:

There is no enrolment fee for the course. However participants should have access to computer system with internet facility to participate in the day-to-day activities. Also the participants should have (or have access to) a webcam along with the headphone so that the net meeting and other features can be utilized fully.

How to Apply:

Eligible aspirants can send their application forms filled in the prescribed format, mentioning all the details correctly (no column should be left blank) through email to –

[email protected]

[email protected]

Official URL:

Click here to Apply Online

Click here to Apply in MS Word Format

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